Category Archive : Dental

Tooth decay or cavity is a state when the bacterium inside your mouth produces acid, which in turn starts eating your teeth. Tooth decay, if left untreated, may lead to serious infection, severe pain, and in some cases, loss of a tooth. The process of decay usually starts with invisible damage done to the enamel and goes deep into the other layers of your teeth before reaching the pulp. The pulp or the deepest layer has several nerves and blood vessels that are highly sensitive.

Top 5 Causes of Tooth Decay or Cavities Include:

  1. Improper oral hygiene practice: You must always remember that brushing your teeth is not a casual thing. If not done correctly, it simply is of no use. 
  2. Imbalanced diet and improper food habits: Consumption of food and beverages that are acidic may permanently damage the enamel of your teeth. 
  3. A tooth with deep crevices: Tooth with deep crevices are more prone to tooth decay. This type of tooth eases the growth of plaque and bacteria inside them, leading to tooth decay.
  4.  Drinking and smoking: People who are habituated to drinking and smoking may develop tooth decay soon compared to others. These habits however, are more dangerous for gums than the teeth and act as agents of oral cancer.
  5. Age and untreated dental problems: As our age progresses, the cavities that are already present in our teeth develop new ones and deepen the fractures causing tooth decay and foul smell. People have gotten in trouble with child custody issues by not taking care of their kids teeth.
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Root canal treatment or RCT is a common procedure used to treat damaged or infected roots of your tooth. A root canal becomes a necessity when the internal part of the tooth called pulp is infected or damaged. However, many people do not opt to undergo an RCT because of some myths they believe in. 

Five Most Common Myths About Root Canal Treatment

The process of root canal treatment is very simple. It is as simple as filling a decayed tooth. However, many people opt not to go through this treatment with their local dentist due to several myths circulated in print and social media by the people who have least or no knowledge about this procedure. The most common myths about root canal treatment are:Read the rest

What is a Root Canal?

Pulp, the innermost part of our tooth, is made up of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues responsible for the growth of our teeth. A root canal may be defined as a dental procedure that involves removing this pulp. This is done when the pulp is infected or damaged due to one or more reasons like:

  • Deep decay in the tooth or untreated cavity
  • One or more dental procedures done on the same tooth.
  • Cracked, chipped or damaged tooth
  • Any other injury

It may be noted that the pulp may get infected or damaged interiorly even if the crown of the tooth is intact from outside. The most common symptoms indicating a damaged pulp are:

  • Intolerable pain in the tooth
  • Swelling in the gums
  • Decayed tooth
  • Burning sensation in the gums
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Gum disease is quite prevalent, especially in kids. However, very few among us take it seriously in its initial stage. To ensure that you take good care of your oral health just like other parts of the body, it is very important to know about it. 

The following are the few basic things related to gum disease, which you must know to prevent and keep your tooth healthy for long. 


Gingivitis is a common disease, more common than we think it is. It is the early stage of gum disease, mainly due to poor oral habits and hygiene. It is caused when the remains of food particles get mixed with saliva and bacteria in your mouth and form a plaque. This plaque then sticks to the outer part of your tooth, which is very hard to remove by brushing. Only a qualified dentist can clean it. Read the rest

A dental implant is a procedure where an artificial one replaces your old, decayed, damaged tooth by inserting it into your jawbone. Depending on the strength that your jawbone provides to the foundation, the recovery time may vary. It is not a major surgery, as most people may think. 

Five Reasons Why Dental Implants are Good for You

The safety aspect: Dental implants are the safest option because they never come out after the surgery. Moreover, it protects your tooth from various other possible dental problems. The procedure or the dental implant doesn’t have any negative effects whatsoever on the adjacent teeth.

Usefulness: Once the implant process is over, you may perform all activities like chewing, smiling, talking as you did once with your original teeth. Read the rest

Children are more prone to dental diseases than adults are. The main reason being their eating habits are very different from adults. Chocolates, sugary items, soft drinks, etc., are the things children always go after. And these things are the main culprits when it comes to dental problems among the children.

Whenever the gums or teeth are exposed to the starch, carbohydrates, or other acids, the outermost and most important layer of the tooth i.e., enamel, gets damaged. Chocolates, candies, soft drinks, etc., tend to leave a substantial amount of stray deposits in the teeth. 

These deposits enable the survival of the bacteria that are already present in a kid’s mouth. When these deposits combine with plaque, acids are formed, which further leads to tooth decay and other dental problems.Read the rest

teeth whitening guide

Before getting into what dental whitening is, let’s first know about why it is needed. The outermost part of your teeth is called enamel, and the layer just beneath is called dentin. Dentin is yellow-brownish in color. The enamel gets damaged due to various reasons like aging, smoking, regular consumption of alcohol, and acidic drinks.

Once the enamel is damaged, dentin is exposed. This is the reason why your tooth tends to look yellow-brown. That’s where the need for dental whitening emerges. 

Dental Whitening: The Alternatives

Several over the counter medicines, ointments and mouthwashes are available in the market, which claims to be the best for dental whitening. Several home remedies are suggested too. However, when practically used, none of these proves to be beneficial. 

It is therefore recommended to go for dental whitening. This procedure may be a bit heavy on your pocket. However, the results are worth it.Read the rest