Gum Disease – What Should You Know?

Gum disease is quite prevalent, especially in kids. However, very few among us take it seriously in its initial stage. To ensure that you take good care of your oral health just like other parts of the body, it is very important to know about it. 

The following are the few basic things related to gum disease, which you must know to prevent and keep your tooth healthy for long. 


Gingivitis is a common disease, more common than we think it is. It is the early stage of gum disease, mainly due to poor oral habits and hygiene. It is caused when the remains of food particles get mixed with saliva and bacteria in your mouth and form a plaque. This plaque then sticks to the outer part of your tooth, which is very hard to remove by brushing. Only a qualified dentist can clean it. 

Common symptoms are bleeding of gums while brushing, swollen gums, and pain. This is the preliminary stage and should be treated as a warning for upcoming periodontitis.

Gums and Overall Health

Gums are a part of our body, and any disease in them impacts your overall health. Gum disease, many times, is an indicator of your overall health. It has been clinically proven that people with gum diseases are more prone to health issues like heart stroke, diabetes, and respiratory problems. It is therefore advised not to take any gum disease lightly.

When Should I Visit a Dentist?

The symptoms of gum disease are so common that people tend to ignore it unknowingly. If you sense any of the following, you do have a reason to visit a dentist soon:

  • Tenderness in gums
  • Loose gums and teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Foul smell or bad breath
  • Persisting pain
  • Change in tooth alignment

What are the Causes?

Like symptoms, the causes too are very common. Negligence is one of the main causes. The other causes include:

  • The disease may be hereditary.
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Chewing tobacco products frequently.
  • A habit of teeth grinding.
  • Eating an unbalanced diet, etc.

Again, as mentioned earlier, we all know most of the above reasons. However, we tend to neglect them and keep moving on with our habits. This finally leads to unwanted periodontitis. Last but not least, the good news is periodontitis is curable. Like all other diseases, if it is brought into notice at an initial stage, it can be cured rather easily. 

Prevention of gum disease is very easy compared to other diseases. However, you have to follow a strict routine. You have to quit smoking, give up alcohol and tobacco products. At the same time, you need to take a balanced diet. Vitamin-D and calcium are of great importance, as they strengthen your tooth and jawbone. Lastly, make a habit of seeing a dentist at least once in a couple of months. Following these precautions can help you maintain good oral health.

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Teeth Grinder Team

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