8 Most Common Dental Problems In Children

Children are more prone to dental diseases than adults are. The main reason being their eating habits are very different from adults. Chocolates, sugary items, soft drinks, etc., are the things children always go after. And these things are the main culprits when it comes to dental problems among the children.

Whenever the gums or teeth are exposed to the starch, carbohydrates, or other acids, the outermost and most important layer of the tooth i.e., enamel, gets damaged. Chocolates, candies, soft drinks, etc., tend to leave a substantial amount of stray deposits in the teeth. 

These deposits enable the survival of the bacteria that are already present in a kid’s mouth. When these deposits combine with plaque, acids are formed, which further leads to tooth decay and other dental problems.

The Eight Most Common Dental Problems in Children Can Be Summarized As:

Tooth Decay or Cavities

This is one of the most common problems in children. Kids are not as experienced as adults when it comes to brushing their teeth and flossing. They need constant supervision of their parents to clean their teeth properly. Or else, the deposits combined with the plaque may damage and decay the teeth of your kid.

Thumb Sucking

Most of the kids are habituated to thumb sucking. Even after knowing that it is highly unhygienic, we tend to give up, as the kid insists. It is not a problem when your kid is a toddler. However, as he grows up and still does not give up this habit, it may be a point of concern, as a gap may be formed between the newly formed upper and lower tooth segments due to his thumb’s regular intervention.

Foul Smell 

The accumulated deposits near the gums enable and stimulate the growth of bacteria in your kid’s mouth, leading to foul smell. Proper and regular cleaning will ensure that your kid’s mouth is free from bacterial infection.

Sensitive Teeth

Most of us are unaware of the fact that our teeth expand and contract according to the temperature of the food we eat. Having too cold or too hot things will harm your kid’s tooth. 


Canker sores are another common problem faced by most of the children. It is mainly caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin B and E. These sores are often very painful and irritating. However, they do not last for more than two to three days.

Gingivitis or Gum Disease

Kids who do not follow a good and regular oral hygiene are more prone to this disease. The recession of gums, swelling, bleeding with acute tooth pain are some of its symptoms. 

Genetic Problems

Apart from the above, one more commonly seen problem among children is improper alignment of the upper and lower tooth segments. Genetics is found to be one of the main reasons for this abnormality. The size of the jaw plays an important role in the formation of the tooth and its alignment. 

Fear Factor

Being adults, even we neglect to visit the dentist at least once in a while. The fear factor is the main reason behind this hesitation. Due to this negligence/fear, dental diseases, which can be easily cured by taking proper medication or following appropriate steps, often tend to get serious. 

Parents need to stay alert and look for remedial measures as soon as they sense any oral problems in kids. In addition to this, parents should also make sure that their kids are following proper hygiene.  

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Teeth Grinder Team


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