Root Canal Treatment: Myths And Facts

Root canal treatment or RCT is a common procedure used to treat damaged or infected roots of your tooth. A root canal becomes a necessity when the internal part of the tooth called pulp is infected or damaged. However, many people do not opt to undergo an RCT because of some myths they believe in. 

Five Most Common Myths About Root Canal Treatment

The process of root canal treatment is very simple. It is as simple as filling a decayed tooth. However, many people opt not to go through this treatment with their local dentist due to several myths circulated in print and social media by the people who have least or no knowledge about this procedure. The most common myths about root canal treatment are:

It is a very painful process.

This is one of the most common myths. People, without knowing the facts, just assume that this procedure is very painful.

Fact: In fact, it is one of the easiest, better and permanent solutions for combating tooth decay. Local anesthesia is given so that the patient does not feel any pain during treatment. 

Frequent visits to the dentist are mandatory

Secondly, it is pre-assumed that RCT mandates frequent visits to your dentist, and more than one sitting is required for root canal treatment. This entirely depends upon the magnitude of the damage or decay of your tooth and is not mandatory.

Fact: With modern equipment and technology, RCT can be done in just one or two sittings too.

Removing a tooth is better than undergoing RCT

Most people believe that removing a decayed tooth is better than going for RCT. The main reason being, the cost of removal is very less than root canal treatment. Also, they think that removal doesn’t bring any complications with it.

Fact: Root canal, if done properly, ensures that your tooth lasts for many years. Once RCT is done, you will get rid of all the pain and unwanted sensitivity that has been bothering you for a long time. Moreover, the crown fitted on top of your decayed tooth looks as natural as your original ones.

Root canal treatment leads to illness

Fever is a common bi-product of many medical procedures. The same is the case with RCT. People undergoing this treatment may suffer from fever for a brief period. But, that will vanish in a couple of days.

Fact: Root canal treatment is a simple process that is performed by qualified personnel with all precautions in place. There are rarely any pieces of evidence of prolonged illness caused due to this treatment. So, just relax.

Root Canal Treatment does not Last Long

More often than not, we tend to jump to conclusions without knowing the facts. People who never underwent RCT opine that it doesn’t last long. It is more strange that this absurd statement is blindly believed, that too, without any concrete proofs.

Fact: There is no better and effective known treatment than RCT to cure a damaged or infected pulp.

Once it becomes clear that the pulp has been infected, it is always advisable to go for an RCT. This not only salvages you from the unbearable pain but also saves your tooth from getting removed forever.

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Teeth Grinder Team

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