Tooth Decay And Cavities – Top 5 Causes, Precautions And Remedies

Tooth decay or cavity is a state when the bacterium inside your mouth produces acid, which in turn starts eating your teeth. Tooth decay, if left untreated, may lead to serious infection, severe pain, and in some cases, loss of a tooth. The process of decay usually starts with invisible damage done to the enamel and goes deep into the other layers of your teeth before reaching the pulp. The pulp or the deepest layer has several nerves and blood vessels that are highly sensitive.

Top 5 Causes of Tooth Decay or Cavities Include:

  1. Improper oral hygiene practice: You must always remember that brushing your teeth is not a casual thing. If not done correctly, it simply is of no use. 
  2. Imbalanced diet and improper food habits: Consumption of food and beverages that are acidic may permanently damage the enamel of your teeth. 
  3. A tooth with deep crevices: Tooth with deep crevices are more prone to tooth decay. This type of tooth eases the growth of plaque and bacteria inside them, leading to tooth decay.
  4.  Drinking and smoking: People who are habituated to drinking and smoking may develop tooth decay soon compared to others. These habits however, are more dangerous for gums than the teeth and act as agents of oral cancer.
  5. Age and untreated dental problems: As our age progresses, the cavities that are already present in our teeth develop new ones and deepen the fractures causing tooth decay and foul smell. People have gotten in trouble with child custody issues by not taking care of their kids teeth. It is therefore always recommended to get oral problems treated as soon as they found to prevent major dental problems.  


As they say, precaution is always better than cure. Taking simple precautions and making small changes in your living style can keep your teeth healthy for a long time.

  1. Make sure that bristles of the brush you select are neither very hard nor very soft. Harder bristles may damage the thin layer of enamel on your teeth.
  2. Massage your gums regularly.
  3. Eating a chewing gum once in a while gives good exercise to your teeth.
  4. Eating a healthy and balanced diet and brushing after every meal will ensure that the acid released by the food consumed is flushed out.
  5. See a dentist when the problem is in its preliminary stage.

Top 5 Remedies to Combat Tooth Decay

Following are some remedies that can help you to combat tooth decay:

  1. Clove Oil: Known for its medicinal properties, clove oil is the most trusted and used home remedy for tooth decay. Applying it soothes the pain and sensitiveness of the decayed tooth. 
  2. Saltwater: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water regularly, especially during nights. Salt is a good antiseptic, and its antibacterial properties can help fight cavities. It not only soothes the pain and inflammation but is also helpful in preventing further growth of bacteria.  
  3. Say no to alcohol and tobacco: Avoid using sugary products, artificial drinks, alcohol, and other tobacco products as much as possible.
  4. Mouthwash: Get any over the counter mouthwash containing fluoride. Rinsing twice a day for 2 minutes will reduce the pain and flush out the bacteria present in your mouth. It also strengthens tooth enamel.
  5. Take your vitamins: Eating food high on Vitamin B and E such as fish, eggs, yogurt, and almonds, etc.

There is no better remedy than brushing your teeth properly. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes. Do not forget to floss after brushing. Brushing two times a day is always recommended. However, it is ideal for brushing after every meal.

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Teeth Grinder Team

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